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Extend & Meal Plans

Posted by Jenaé Miles on
Extend & Meal Plans - Extend Nutrition

Did you know that keeping diabetic sugar levels under control can be a challenge? As you know, if you have diabetes, it's crucial to keep track of how much sugar is in your body. However, too much sugar can lead to serious health problems like high blood pressure, kidney damage, and heart disease. There are many ways for people with diabetes to track their sugar intake and keep an eye on their levels, but the best solution is blood sugar management to prevent insulin spikes. In addition, taking steps to reduce foods high in sugar and actively working to lose weight can provide a long-term solution for people with diabetes. Keep reading to learn about managing glucose levels and the best snacks for diabetics.

Understanding Diabetic Sugar Levels

Your blood sugar level is the amount of glucose in your blood. If you have diabetes, your body has trouble moving sugar from the blood into the cells. For people with type 1 diabetes, the body doesn't produce insulin. However, type 2 diabetes is different. Individuals who maintain high sugar levels in their bodies can develop type 2 diabetes, which can occur when the pancreas doesn't make enough insulin. Additionally, the cells aren't managing it correctly. 

Why You Need to Know Your Diabetic Sugar Level

People with diabetes need to check their blood sugar levels regularly. Your doctor will let you know the best times to check it. The most common include after fasting, such as first thing in the morning or anytime you don't eat for 12 hours, before and after eating a full meal, and two hours before bed.

Who Should Check their Blood Sugar

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends the following people monitor their blood sugar levels,

  • Pregnant
  • Ketones from high blood sugar levels
  • Taking insulin
  • Having difficulty controlling blood sugar
  • Experiencing low blood sugar
  • Having low blood glucose levels without warning signs

Why Check Your Glucose Levels

You don't want to have too much or too little sugar in your blood. Your body needs glucose, but it can only manage so much before other health conditions occur. According to the Mayo Clinic, people should test their blood sugar for

  • Monitoring their diabetes medication's effectiveness
  • Determining when levels are too high or too low
  • Tracking daily levels to meet wellness goals
  • Learning how your meal plans and eating habits affect blood sugar
  • Finding out how exercise impacts glucose levels
  • Gauging how life events, such as illness and stress influence blood sugar 

What's a Good Level

Everybody is different. Someone with diabetes who runs daily and has nutritious eating habits doesn't have the exact requirements for newly diagnosed diabetes that hasn't developed a healthy routine yet. Additionally, pregnant adults have different targets. However, there are still averages and warning signs when it's too high or low. 

According to the American Diabetes Association

  • A1C less than 7%
  • Before lunch and dinner—80 to 130mg/dL
  • One to two hours after eating a full meal—Less than 180 mg/dL

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Ways to Control Your Diabetic Sugar Level

The easiest way to control your glucose and prevent insulin spikes is with healthy eating, regular exercise, and seven to nine hours of sleep nightly. However, changes can happen that throw off your day. In return, you may experience insulin spikes and even low blood sugar overnight. 

Know Your Numbers

Monitor your blood sugar throughout the day to catch increases and decreases when they happen so you can prevent complications. When you regularly check your blood sugar in the morning, before meals, and at bedtime, you can maintain a healthy balance. However, if you're sick or experiencing more stressful days than usual, your numbers might be off. Nonetheless, it's important to still monitor during these times. If your blood sugar goes down rapidly while you're sick, you could end up in the hospital to get your body back on track. 

Keep Diabetic Safe Treats for Between Meals

The best snacks for diabetics are sugar-free, low-carb, and high fiber to keep hunger at bay until your next meal. Examples include,

  • Pistachios
  • Baked cheese crisps
  • Sliced vegetables with a low-carb dip
  • Greek yogurt with a handful of fresh berries
  • Avocado slices with peanut butter
  • Cantaloupe with low-fat cottage cheese

If you're on the go and aren't a fan of pistachios, consider Extend Nutrition Bars. They contain everything you need to keep going until your next well-balanced meal and taste great. 

Eat Healthy Meals

In addition to eating the best snacks for diabetics to control your blood sugar levels, choose healthy meals to help maintain glucose numbers throughout the day. Don't skip any meal, especially breakfast. If you're not hungry, try a small protein shake to give you the calories and nutrients you need to power through your day. 

Watch what you eat. Plan your meals. When you don't have a routine, it's more tempting to grab a snack or meal that's high in calories and carbs that can throw you off your health and fitness track. However, this doesn't mean you can't have sweets or a treat that's not on the healthy list once in a while. 

The key is moderation. You can have a small piece of cake or bowl of ice cream at lunch, but you need to have a sensible dinner. So, pick a meal replacement shake with minimal calories, few carbs, and enough nutrients to sustain you until it's time for an equally low-carb snack before bed. 

Nonetheless, mistakes happen. People give in to temptation. After all, we're only human. So don't throw in the towel. Instead, get right back on your healthy meal plan and keep adding the best snacks for diabetics to your daily routine. 

Stay Active

An excellent way to correct an unhealthy snack, outside of getting right back to eating nutritiously, is exercise. You don't need to run a mile or two daily or hit the exercise bike for an hour to keep weight and blood sugar low. However, you do need to be active for at least two hours daily. 

Go for a walk around your neighborhood. Take your dog to the park. Chase your children around the yard. What matters most is being active, not what activities you pick. Nonetheless, there's nothing wrong with running a mile or two daily or lifting weights every other day to stay in shape. Just make sure you adjust your eating habits to match your activity and prevent insulin spikes or low blood sugar. 

Choose Extend Meal Plans to Prevent Insulin Spikes

The best way to control diabetic sugar levels is to be mindful of what you eat throughout the day. Skipping meals, including breakfast, can throw off your blood sugar levels, causing a spike in the evening or even overnight. Instead of skipping a meal, incorporateExtend Protein Bars and Shakesinto your diet to help control blood sugar for up to 9 hours. They help curb appetite, deliver healthy long lasting energy and our patented formula is unlike any competitors out there. For meal replacement options, try Extend premium whey protein or our Vegan with Quinoa protein shakes. Our Extend Premium Whey Protein Shakeshave seven sources of protein packing 24 grams with no added sugar and 5g of fiber for a low-carb, low-glycemic, and low-fat meal replacement option. Our Vegan with Quinoa Protein Shakeshas a clean 3-Source Vegan protein blend: Quinoa, Pea Protein and Brown Rice, 20g of protein with no added sugar, low-carb, low-glycemic and low fat meal replacement. As a result, you'll have the energy to power through your day without your stomach growling for food and control blood sugar for at least six hours. Additionally, stock up on the best snacks for diabetics, such as Extend Protein Bars.  

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