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Review Spotlight-Extend Nutrition has helped with my weight and diabetes

Posted by LATOYA PAYNE on
Review Spotlight-Extend Nutrition has helped with my weight and diabetes - Extend Nutrition

Extend Nutrition not only helps control your diabetes, but also your weight.
Terry enjoyed an Extend Bar every morning and she lost 47 pounds!

"When I was first diagnosed with diabetes I knew I had to lose weight to help get it under control. 

An Extend Bar every morning helped me control my appetite all day, so I could eat the way I knew I should. 

As a result, I lost 47 pounds in just one year!"

 -Terry West (Gahanna, OH)

*Individual results may vary

To enjoy the results Terry saw:

Enjoy any Extend Nutrition Snack when you are feeling hungry. 

Extend Nutrition helps control hunger, when eaten as a between meal snack.

Our pilot study demonstrated a 21% reduction in calories consumed. 

        Shop now and lose weight with an Extend Bar!

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