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Real Life Success-I love Extend products for my busy lifestyle

Posted by LATOYA PAYNE on
Real Life Success-I love Extend products for my busy lifestyle - Extend Nutrition

 When Dr.Kaufman invented Extend Nutrition snacks, her main objective was to help diabetics.

Little did she know, her discovery for stable blood sugar would help anyone with an active and busy lifestyle such as Jamie.

 "Although I am not diabetic myself, I do experience periods of low blood sugar with its attendant problems.

I love Extend products because they fit my active and busy lifestyle. 

I use them before or after exercise and find they help tremendously with recovery from a strenuous workout.

I also travel and exhibit my artwork and I always throw a few Extend Snacks in my car or travel bag.

If I can’t sit down to a full meal during a show, an Extend Bar will hold very well until I can get to a full meal.

They’re perfect for on the go and unexpected events.”

                                 -Jamie Agins (

*Individual results may vary

  To help fuel your day, Extend Nutrition recommends eating 2 snacks per day.

This will help avoid those energy robbing blood sugar highs and lows.

     Shop NOW and power your day with an Extend Bar!

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