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Spotlight review-There’s always room for an Extend Bar

Posted by LATOYA PAYNE on
Spotlight review-There’s always room for an Extend Bar - Extend Nutrition

With such a low net carb count, Extend Nutrition is the perfect snack for people looking to lose weight. Even if you are at your daily limit for carbs, there is always room for 1 net carb with Extend Bars.

Low net carb snacks helped keep Harold on track.

“I love the fact that I can have a chocolate snack for 1 net carb!

Even if I’ve already had my quota of carbs, I can always find room in my carb allotment for an Extend Bar.”

                              -Harold Warren
(Poughkeepsie, NY)

*Individual results may vary

 Enjoy an Extend Product twice a day to help control cravings and lose weight.


 Shop now and slim down with Extend Nutrition bars!

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