There’s no product on the market that can do what Extend Bar does for blood sugar levels
Posted by LATOYA PAYNE on
One of the best dietary approaches to health is focusing on achieving stable blood sugar. With stable blood sugar you can control cravings, which can lead to weight loss.
Here is a success story from Rosalie who lost over 70 pounds because of Extend Nutrition.
"There’s no product on the market that can do what Extend Bar does for blood sugar levels. I have Type 2 diabetes and my blood sugar highs and lows were SO frustrating. Then one day a free sample bar came in the mail. I read the literature and decided I would use this one lonely bar mid-morning of the next day. I didn’t lose my energy level as I had before! I placed my first order, how I waited for the shipment! I tried the next bar at bedtime. What a difference with my morning blood tests! Now I don’t wake up in a sweat like before and my values are in normal range! Unheard of! My weight has been steadily going down! Just another 4 pounds and I’ll have lost 70 pounds! I have energy I did not know would come my way at this age! I now use the bars mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and at bedtime. It is a must to keep my glucose level from dropping out of range. I eat an Extend Bar every night before bed regardless of what my blood sugar readings are. If my blood sugars are high the bar helps carry me through the night to preventing the nighttime lows, and therefore the rebound morning highs." -Rosalie Bloom (Dubois, PA) |
For best results, we recommended 2-3 snacks daily.
For example: mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and bedtime.
- Tags: Success Stories