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Blood Sugar & Hunger Control

Posted by Jenaé Miles on
Blood Sugar & Hunger Control - Extend Nutrition

Are you always hungry?

Do you have trouble avoiding high-carb foods? It might sound off, but the best way to control appetite is by maintaining healthy glucose levels. Also known as blood sugar, large amounts in your bloodstream are partially responsible for your cravings. So when you lower blood glucose levels, you'll see a nearly instant improvement in hunger and energy.

How Blood Sugar Effects Hunger

Uncontrolled blood sugar levels can increase hunger. If you have too much sugar, your body may not produce enough insulin to break down glucose and get it out of your bloodstream. These mixed messages can make you feel hungry. If you have too little sugar, you can develop hypoglycemia, making you feel hungry and possibly crave sweets. Reaching for sugary treats when you have low blood sugar or high blood sugar isn't healthy. The best way to manage glucose levels and control appetite are to limit added sugars and eat foods rich in complex carbs to curb hunger between meals. 

How to Stop Hunger Cravings

Without a plan, most people succumb to their appetite. Don't be discouraged if that's you. It's hard to concentrate on work or in class or fall asleep at night if you're hungry. Start planning to stop hunger cravings when you first get up in the morning. Eat a nutritious breakfast, such as an egg sprinkled with cheese and a few slices of avocado. When you skip a meal, it makes it even harder to control your appetite. 

For long days, choose a mid-morning snack, such as an Extend Protein Bar, that'll reduce cravings and improve your energy levels. 

Make Sure it's a Legit Craving

It's common for people to get caught up at work or with another task and skip a meal. When you first start feeling hungry, stop and think about the last time you ate before reaching for a snack. If you missed lunch, grab an Extend Nutrition Protein Bar or Shack to sustain your hunger until your next meal. A typical reason people overeat is by skipping a meal. They eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner right away and then eat their next meal all in a few short hours.

Drink More Water

It might sound like a cliche. But it's the truth. Getting the recommended amount of daily water in your diet can help control appetite. You might not realize it, but the answer to "How to stop hunger cravings?" might just end with adding more H2O to your diet. Sometimes a person thinks they're hungry when they're dehydrated and need water. Additionally, it can improve your skin's appearance, improve kidney function, lubricate your joints, and help with weight loss. 

Studies prove it. An article posted in the Journal of Natural Science, biology, and Medicine found that women who drank more water had fewer cravings and lost more weight than those who didn't. So, if you want to feel and look healthier, get sipping. 

Also, drinking more water can lower blood glucose levels. Your blood is 90% water. The more you thin out the sugar concentration in your bloodstream, the lower your blood sugar reading will go. 

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Get Active

For lower blood glucose levels, get moving. The benefits of exercise extend to every corner of your health. Studies show a simple 15-minute brisk walk can send sugar cravings packing. Before your walk, eat a low or no-sugar snack to help control appetite until your next meal. Together these activities may keep your hunger in check. 

According to the 2015 study in PLOS ONE

"When snacking has become habitual and poorly regulated by overweight people, the promotion of short bouts of physical activity could be valuable for reducing the urge to consume at times when the person may be particularly vulnerable such as during stress and when snack foods are available."

In addition to helping you control appetite and cravings, physical activity can reduce weight, improve heart health, relieve stress, increase sleep, and improve cognitive abilities. 

Lower Stress Levels

Stress plays a role in appetite. Another answer to "How to stop hunger cravings?" involves reducing stress levels. Luckily, many of the suggestions in this blog also help calm the body and mind. For example, exercise and drinking more water are excellent ways to feel better. When your stress levels rise, it becomes harder for your body to lower blood glucose levels. The body doesn't produce enough glucose to remove the sugar from your bloodstream, leaving high concentrations despite not eating sugary foods. A vital part of controlling glucose is managing stress

Make Long-Term Diet Changes

Short-term changes won't do much to improve your longevity. To maintain lower blood glucose levels, you need to alter your lifestyle completely. You'll feel and look better when you cut most sugar out of your life. Yes. There's nothing wrong with a slice of cake or few cookies out at a party or with friends. But, too much can stop all the hard work you've done to get to this point. If you get a sweet craving, consider something with some natural sweetener that contains little to no added sugar. Extend Protein Bars and Shakes can help you stay on track. For example, replacing your regular afternoon and evening snack with a bar or shake can reduce blood sugar and calories and boost energy naturally.

Grab an Extend Bar to Control Appetite

Hunger cravings increase your calorie intake, are you wondering how to stop these cravings?  It's not a pipe dream. Plus, you don't have to eat a plate of vegetables that taste like water or drown yourself in H20. Sure, you need a little more hydration to curb appetite. However, too much won't help with appetite control as well as Extend Nutrition Bars and Shakes. Extend has a range of protein bars flavors and meal replacement shakes that naturally suppresses your  appetite and control hunger cravings. For more information on how Extend protein bars and shakes help control hunger please click here. Controlling your Blood Sugar is fundamental to managing your  hunger cravings. Extend’s products are low-glycemic and can help lower blood glucose levels for up to nine hours. When your blood sugar is in control, you do not have hunger cravings and reach for that unhealthy snack. Instead reach for Extend and reduce your calorie intake by 21%. For the best results, replace one meal daily with an Extend Nutrition shake or bar and have a healthy lunch and dinner. See the Extend difference!

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